The Hotronic XLP Surround Comfort sock features a soft compression fit with the surround element covering the toes. Hotronic teamed up with BootDoc to create a great fitting compression ski sock with a proven heating system. This is a sock compatible with the Hotronic XLP system that allows you to have extra pairs ready to go.
Whether planning for a brief outing or a long term journey, Hotronic’s Heat Socks XLP ONE are easy to use in all types of footwear. Use while skiing, snowboarding, bicycling, horseback riding, fishing, and during other cold-temperature activities.
Heated toe and ball of foot area with a reinforced toe and heel area
Ideal moisture transportation.
Additional shin-protector.
Compression: soft – PFI 50, 10 – 15 mmHg.
Heating element in the outer layer for more comfort.
2-layer cuff design for additional protection and to hold the battery snugly.